Daniel Pink's A Whole New Mind covers many aspects of the physical mind and the workings, along with expectations of our current society. The organ that studies itself is very interesting indeed. I have experienced headaches for many years and I wonder how so many aspects of the brain could be effected. My MRI didn't include any interesting photographs for me to view as Dan Pink experimented with. My father has suffered with depression and it is interesting how medication and therapy as effected his brain. Lastly it is very timely as a friend's teenage son tried to damage his entire frontal lobe. We are all holding our breath as he recovers to find out what personality will be revealed after recovery from this severe trauma. When I went to Pratt I attended the teenage brain basics and found that very interesting. I don't know that I have a specific question but I would like to discuss any of these topics with Daniel Pink.
My mother says we have everything we need and most of the things we want. As our society separates the classes more distinctly we will watch the automation and jobs diversify across the globe and economy. I think we are raising an entitled group of children who have never experienced hardship. I do not truly believe the most conceptual will always be at the top of the heap. I'm not sure the personality of a creative person is indicative of being the most competitively successful. Like Vivian I have a teenage son and an elementary school age son and I would hate to find we are educating them for jobs that will become obsolete or outsourced.
I have not finished the book, just the first three chapters, but I would encourage a reader to check it out and be "open-minded" about the diverse subjects this book covers. I found it be initially be a quick read but plan to revisit the title when I have more time. Empathy, play and meaning are all topics I would appreciate.