It's Summer! Time to weed in the garden and the stacks.
L. Beard--Carroll County Public, Library Children's Library Associate--North Carroll Branch
Monday, July 30, 2007
Pickled Green Beans
Summer is always filled with fresh vegetables and plenty of canning and freezing. I pickled the beets yesterday. I wonder if that will continue for me now that I'm here at the library full-time. I'm looking forward to making the tomato sauce.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
#23 Review
What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey? I loved playing in Flickr, as you can see I have used bighugelabs at Flickr quite often to alter and enhance my personal photographs. The mashups, generators and avatars will be great fun to share with the library kids. I'm going to work on a program for the homeschoolers. I really appreciate all of the Zoho products also!
How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals? It has been really encouraging to learn so many new things in a concentrated period of time. I wasn't sure I could or would grasp so many new concepts but I am encouraged about being a lifelong learner! I was surprised that this was new to so many people--YouWho?!? made me chuckle!
Were there any take-aways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you? I'm much more likely to play and give new things a shot, rather than kvetch over a new program or site.
What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept? I often felt like I was receiving a sprinkling of information and no place to go for definite direction or refinement of a skill. And last but not least…
If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you again chose to participate? Absolutely, there are so many new developments I will require it to remain up-to-date!
How would you describe your learning experience in a few words or a few sentences, so we can share our successes and promote this program? The 23 Things program was very exciting and I enjoyed experiencing so many new ideas!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
#22 Learn about Audiobooks
I'm so happy to learn more about Audiobooks! One of the exciting rewards of 23 Things, besides the wealth of knowledge we have gleaned, is the MP3 player and the opportunity to download books! I have reviewed the large amount of downloadable materials we offer our patrons and I can't wait to sit and listen while I knit!
I am interested in listening to 101 Secrets of Highly Effective Speakers by Caryl Rae Krannich. I think it is the perfect book to listen to.
#21 Discover Podcasts!
While I was familiar with YouTube I was not as familiar with podcasts. Serving as a children's librarian I immediately searched for storytelling. I found a wonderful Mr. Howerton telling Rudyard Kipling's stories. Just close your eyes and use your imagination!
Oh no, another RSS feed on my Blogline account. I have enjoyed most of my postings during these "23 Things" but I have to admit I'm not that fond of Bloglines and will probably not be using it after this assignment.
I do not have a microphone available at this time but I would like to produce a podcast in the future.
#20 You Tube
I have watched many videos on YouTube and enjoyed a variety of appropriate and maybe not so appropriate videos in the past. YouTube has definity made it to main-stream news making home video a reporting tool used all across the country. It only took a few minutes and I had uploaded this video.
I definitely enjoyed flashing back to my living room floor and asking my mother to buy us Captain Crunch after viewing the 70's commercials.
I definitely enjoyed flashing back to my living room floor and asking my mother to buy us Captain Crunch after viewing the 70's commercials.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
#19 Web 2.0 Awards
I chose to look at the short list of winners of the Web 2.0 awards for Web 2.0 tools.
I will suggest that my son looks at Arcaplay. You have to appreciate a free game! I explored the Visual Arts catagory. The first place winner was the Color Blender. It would be a good resource for matching colors and finding coordinating colors. I don't have much use for the Swivel the second place winner. I could see possibly using the graphs in a PPT. The would be a fun site for adults and kids to create artworks. It might be a fun tech progam to share these sites.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
#18 Take a Look
I created an account at Zoho Writer and found it easy enough to use. Much to my surprise it is simular to Microsoft Word but with the additions of Web 2.0 tied in and it's free. I may have gone a little overboard on the smiley faces but here is the document I easily created and posted to my blog. The Zoho Show is very exciting to me. Even though I have been cranking out PPTs for the library I don't have the software at home, but with Zoho Show I could create a simular slide show online for free.
Test Document
Test Document
Looks like Word, types like Word, could this be better than Word? By golly, ZOHO writer could replace Word!
Horizontal rule--pretty cool!
What is this Layer button--not much use for that!
Anchor button--I don't know who an Anchor might be.
Generally a very positive review for a free product! You gotta love that!
#17 Play in the Sandbox
I accessed the Maryland Libraries Sandbox and indeed created my login account. I added my blog to the Favorite Blog list but omitted the letter d in beardblog. I may have practiced that skill but I need to work on my spelling. That will teach me to cut and paste! We are supposed to be playing! Yea, I was able to edit the mistake! Horray for little victories.
I added my favorite children's book, Bluberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey to the favorite books wiki. You have to love that story, kerplink, kerplank, kerplunk! I remember when Sandie read it to my youngest son in story time more than seven years ago. The blueberries and the kid's sandbox are out by the apple tree in the photograph.
#16 Learn About Wiki's
I often share my Blog entries with my family members and I'm sure if I told my 80-year-old father about wikis he would call them a new-fangled "hen party" opportunity. My first experience with a wiki was here at CCPL. I was introduced and welcomed as a new employee on our pipeline. Shortly thereafter I tried to help Marlene add a photograph to a new entry. I quickly learned about sizing pictures in Microsoft Office Manager. I was pleased about the simplification of sizing photos with Blogger.
Wikis are an opportunity to create online communities and share news in a group setting with many contributors. I have shyed away from using Wikipedia as a reliable source but I think it could be useful when searching for Web 2.0 type inquiries. I explored many wikis and found them all to be distinctly different. I loved the Book Lovers Wiki and it is another opportunity for reviews and reader's advisory. Leave it to the ALA to have a wiki for a specific event. All of the wikis I reviewed are wonderful opportunities to share and input information.
Monday, July 9, 2007
#15 The 2.0s--Web and Library
Web 2.0, I'm glad this exists and enables me to create a blog like this one. I am able to control and present information. The first time I italicized something and the "ems" showed up I deleted them! What an advantage for young adults and teens to be exposed to this opportunity immediately. I gained some knowledge of how components of this blog work.
I reviewed "Away from Icebergs" and while Rick Anderson's library's circulation may be dropping, clearly ours is not. I do think he had a valid point about libraries being poorly equipped and sufficiently staffed for teaching. Dr. Wendy Schultz makes a valid point about Libraries 2.0; "a treasured past to the adventure of the future--and to put people and meaning at the center of our concerns." Michael Stephans, a librarian first and blogger second, points out "Librarian 2.0, then is the "strategy guide" for helping users find information, gather knowledge and create content." Participating in 23 Things is clearly aiding us in this pursuit.
Friday, July 6, 2007
#14 Explore Technorati
Technorati is only three years old. It seems pretty amazing that they could have tagged all of that information and are able to offer it within minutes of blog postings. Yes I was there, with an authority rating of only 1 and ranked 3,818,040.
I searched several keywords like gardening and weeding. I wanted to add two words, knitting and socks, to my blog and I'll check later to see if my blog shows up under those keywords. (The picture shows some of the socks I've knitted this year.) I'm a little uncomfortable reading other's news. I thought it was interesting to search the "Learning 2.0" blogs. It's nice to know librarians all over the country are learning new technology too. I read some blogs from Kentucky and Ohio. I still prefer reading blogs from the folks I know.
Jump in Headfirst!
This is a link to a penguin generator Kris shared with me. It's a fun video that allows you to personalize the message. Sorry but you'll have to copy and paste the link.
#13 Tagging and Discover
My family has labeled me a fun-sponge due to my anti-social nature, so I am not apt to peer into other users' simular links. I suppose it could be helpful to search for uncommon topics that aren't easily covered elsewhere.
I am promised that unlike folders I can make-up tags when I need them and use as many as I like. I have tagged my photos that I have uploaded to Flickr.
Makes me appreciate the tagging in AquaBrowswer a little more.
It was easy enough to use I saved random yet captivating favorites.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
This is what makes me happy!
"Morning is the best of all times in the garden. The sun is not yet hot. Sweet vapors rise from the earth. Night dew clings to the soil and makes plants glisten. Birds call to one another. Bees are already at work."
William Longgood
I returned to Flickr and after a 10 minute wait to produce a "mosaic" I gave up. So I created a "stamp" with a photo I took in the garden early one morning. Pretty cool options under stamp maker beside this look. There are also to do lists, panels and other frames.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Independent Youthful Patriots!
Happy Independence Day!
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquilty, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America.
Monday, July 2, 2007
#12 Rollyo--Not the Chocolate Kind
I do not take a single newspaper, nor read one a month, and I feel myself infinitely the happier for it.
Thomas Jefferson
He should have read today's papers! Imagine TJ with a RSS feed.
I value my garden more for being full of blackbirds than of cherries, and very frankly give them fruit for their songs.
Joseph Addison
Maybe so, but I wish they would stay out of the blueberries.
I experienced a variety of search rolls. I'm not sure in the moment of a patron request I would recall to go to the rare book library search. The public domain e-books search was interesting. The free photos seemed to thow me into Flickr and I found the quick quotes above. I did find the searchs fairly slow and I could not use them at home on dial up.
#11 Take a Look at Library Thing
Create another account! Library Thing was very user friendly. It was easy to add titles. The first book I added to my titles was GILEAD. One word brought up 18 choices but it was at the very top. The Suggester and Un-suggester were interesting options. It could be an easy way for a blog reader to look at book titles from another blogger through blog widgets.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Week 5 Thing #10 Play!!!
If only my girls laid golden eggs--always greener or golder on the other side of the fence. I tested Letter James and found this image and generator. I checked out a variety of avatars. I haven't seen my waist look like Meez's in years. I also noticed I would be considered a senior citizen by the spot my birthday fell on the year bar. So Carolyn suggested a Google search. As you can see below I created something for my neice's birthday. Happy birthday Sophie!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Next Week We Play
Next week, I believe, we are asked to play. I have enjoyed working on my blog and sharing photos of our pure country life. My older kids have always said that they wanted to live in a neighborhood with sidewalks or the city, but I don't see them leaving the county. Our next assignment is creating a Meez. I wonder if I can dress her to work in the vegetable garden. Despite the heat and lack of rain I think it's looking pretty good, thanks to my husband. When you watch a sunflower seed sprout and grow taller than you it allows you to believe in stories like Jack and the Beanstalk!
Week #4 Fish #4
If this is not the first time you've looked at my blog you have surely noticed that I am using my library blog to post pictures of my son's fish. I can't help it, I'm a proud mother. As he would say "Look at this lunker!" His main interest as far as technology is concerned is, "why doesn't the fish finder reveal the size or type of fish under the boat?" How does that thing work?
Thursday, June 21, 2007
#9 MERLIN and a Few Library Logs
I logged in and signed up on MERLIN. I reviewed some of the library logs I have looked at in the past and found some new interesting ones. I explored a few of the newsfeeds but would like to spend time reading a larger range of feeds--they're endless! The week is flying by. It's the first day of summer. The bass are biting!
Monday, June 18, 2007
Week 4 #8 RSS Feeds--Ain't all that simple!
Uploading and downloading--I've loaded plenty of information on this blog, but it is almost impossible to do on a dial up connection. I have registered with Blogline and have a newsreader account. What a relief that it only required my e-mail and not too many other qualifying passwords or account names. I'm having a little trouble remembering all of my names I've had to create for Flickr and Google and Photobucket. Oh well who said technology was simple? RSS feeds are "Really Simple Syndication". I haven't been able to listen to all the links yet, but I have added links to Google and other "23 Participants" onto my blog. Check them out! You gotta love the simple life!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Week 3 #7 Anything Technology
How amazing is the new Apple I Phone! It's supposed to be internet, i-pod and cell phone capable. Wow, sounds like I would need lessons from IT or one of my teenagers.
I'm not sure this can be considered technology but I am so excited. I found a way to produce flannel board pieces on the printer. I was able to print graphics I downloaded onto felt after I stabilized it by ironing freezer paper onto the back of the felt. Now I have Cookie Monster himself gazing at me on a piece of felt. I think it has great possibilities to produce professional quality results for storytimes.
This morning I heard that three Russian computers have crashed on the International Space Station. They're trying to fix the solar power unit or else they'll have to rely on shuttle fuel that they can apparently not afford to use. Will they have to abandon the Space Station because of three computer crashes? It sounds about as reliable as our SAM! I was instructed to add comments to the blogs of other participants. I have enjoyed reading the other CCPL blogs.
I'm not sure this can be considered technology but I am so excited. I found a way to produce flannel board pieces on the printer. I was able to print graphics I downloaded onto felt after I stabilized it by ironing freezer paper onto the back of the felt. Now I have Cookie Monster himself gazing at me on a piece of felt. I think it has great possibilities to produce professional quality results for storytimes.
This morning I heard that three Russian computers have crashed on the International Space Station. They're trying to fix the solar power unit or else they'll have to rely on shuttle fuel that they can apparently not afford to use. Will they have to abandon the Space Station because of three computer crashes? It sounds about as reliable as our SAM! I was instructed to add comments to the blogs of other participants. I have enjoyed reading the other CCPL blogs.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Week 3 #5-6 Explore Flickr
I "played" as directed. This is one of the popular images most recently downloaded. I had a great time adding bubble cartoon captions to a green eggs and ham photo and created my own Camp Beard magazine cover. Great fun, until I tried to add either item to my blog. I couldn't and that's when the frustration began! I'll need to work on that when I have more time.
Monday, June 11, 2007
On the Road Again!
Friday, June 8, 2007
#4 Register your blog
Oops, again. I'm clearly having problems with order. Peggy helped me register my blog last night when we were reviewing other participant's blogs! They're looking great. Nancy, I love your bird's nests and eggs. Bertie, I've been watching those bluebirds in an old birdhouse in my backyard. I haven't had bluebirds nest for years and they didn't pick the birdhouse model they were supposed to like.
#3 Set up your blog
Week 1 #1-2 Habits can be good things!
I have completed Week One of 23 Things. I've signed my contract, on paper mind you, and I'm gathering tools for my toolbox. Right now I'm finding my travel drive to be an indispensable tool. The habit I find the easiest is "Being a lifelong learner." I have so many interests and have learned so much while completing assignments for CCPL.
There are still many things I need to learn! Somehow my 12 year old niece is able to program my cell phone and send a text message without a second thought. She already knew about the cartoon software on my digital camera and has her Ipod loaded with tunes. I better get up to speed. The most difficult thing is "Using technology to my advantage."
This whopper of a fish was caught with a simple rod. No satellite was required.
Did you hear Google Earth has added a street level view? Last night I saw a commercial for a Verizon/Apple touch screen phone that is Internet capable. I don't think I'll be sitting on the pier and see myself on Google Earth this year, but maybe shortly.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
High Tech vs. Red Neck
Even with a new digital camera in hand this farmer's daughter still finds the wheel barrow to be my favorite tool. I am delighted to learn about the use of new technology and will be a life long learner. I may choose to travel the back roads to get there. I admire all of you who enjoy taking the fingertips to the keyboard but for me this will be one more design challenge.
Monday, June 4, 2007
This video was offered on the CCPL Orientation gameboard. I thought you might be interested and I'm practicing adding youtube to my blog. Watch out for patrons looking over your shoulder, there is a bare breasted woman--how edgy!
This video was offered on the CCPL Orientation gameboard. I thought you might be interested and I'm practicing adding youtube to my blog. Watch out for patrons looking over your shoulder, there is a bare breasted woman--how edgy!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Library Board Members
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Scout's in Stephanie's Office
To Kill a Mockingbird was the On the Same Page team's choice a few years ago. Mary Badham viewed the movie at the Arts Council theater and signed several posters for the team. Stephanie, our Administrative Assistant, is a proud owner of one of the posters. This information was requested in the Director's square of the gameboard.
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23 Things Blog Links
Blog Archive
- Pickled Green Beans
- It's Summer and the Bass are Biting!
- #23 Review
- #22 Learn about Audiobooks
- #21 Discover Podcasts!
- #20 You Tube
- Lifelong Literacy PSA - Open Your Mind
- #19 Web 2.0 Awards
- #18 Take a Look
- Test Document
- #17 Play in the Sandbox
- #16 Learn About Wiki's
- #15 The 2.0s--Web and Library
- #14 Explore Technorati
- Jump in Headfirst!
- #13 Tagging and Discover
- This is what makes me happy!
- Independent Youthful Patriots!
- #12 Rollyo--Not the Chocolate Kind
- #11 Take a Look at Library Thing
- Week 5 Thing #10 Play!!!
- Frog Wishes!
- Next Week We Play
- Week #4 Fish #4
- #9 MERLIN and a Few Library Logs
- Week 4 #8 RSS Feeds--Ain't all that simple!
- Week 3 #7 Anything Technology
- Week 3 #5-6 Explore Flickr
- On the Road Again!
- #4 Register your blog
- #3 Set up your blog
- Week 1 #1-2 Habits can be good things!
- High Tech vs. Red Neck
- vid...