It's Summer! Time to weed in the garden and the stacks.

It's Summer!  Time to weed in the garden and the stacks.
"Morning is the best of all times in the garden. The sun is not yet hot. Sweet vapors rise from the earth. Night dew clings to the soil and makes plants glisten. Birds call to one another. Bees are already at work." William Longgood
L. Beard--Carroll County Public, Library Children's Library Associate--North Carroll Branch

Monday, July 9, 2007

#15 The 2.0s--Web and Library

Web 2.0, I'm glad this exists and enables me to create a blog like this one. I am able to control and present information. The first time I italicized something and the "ems" showed up I deleted them! What an advantage for young adults and teens to be exposed to this opportunity immediately. I gained some knowledge of how components of this blog work.

I reviewed "Away from Icebergs" and while Rick Anderson's library's circulation may be dropping, clearly ours is not. I do think he had a valid point about libraries being poorly equipped and sufficiently staffed for teaching. Dr. Wendy Schultz makes a valid point about Libraries 2.0; "a treasured past to the adventure of the future--and to put people and meaning at the center of our concerns." Michael Stephans, a librarian first and blogger second, points out "Librarian 2.0, then is the "strategy guide" for helping users find information, gather knowledge and create content." Participating in 23 Things is clearly aiding us in this pursuit.

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