It's Summer! Time to weed in the garden and the stacks.

It's Summer!  Time to weed in the garden and the stacks.
"Morning is the best of all times in the garden. The sun is not yet hot. Sweet vapors rise from the earth. Night dew clings to the soil and makes plants glisten. Birds call to one another. Bees are already at work." William Longgood
L. Beard--Carroll County Public, Library Children's Library Associate--North Carroll Branch

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Week 5 Thing #10 Play!!!

If only my girls laid golden eggs--always greener or golder on the other side of the fence. I tested Letter James and found this image and generator. I checked out a variety of avatars. I haven't seen my waist look like Meez's in years. I also noticed I would be considered a senior citizen by the spot my birthday fell on the year bar. So Carolyn suggested a Google search. As you can see below I created something for my neice's birthday. Happy birthday Sophie!

Frog Wishes!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Next Week We Play

Next week, I believe, we are asked to play. I have enjoyed working on my blog and sharing photos of our pure country life. My older kids have always said that they wanted to live in a neighborhood with sidewalks or the city, but I don't see them leaving the county. Our next assignment is creating a Meez. I wonder if I can dress her to work in the vegetable garden. Despite the heat and lack of rain I think it's looking pretty good, thanks to my husband. When you watch a sunflower seed sprout and grow taller than you it allows you to believe in stories like Jack and the Beanstalk!

Week #4 Fish #4

If this is not the first time you've looked at my blog you have surely noticed that I am using my library blog to post pictures of my son's fish. I can't help it, I'm a proud mother. As he would say "Look at this lunker!" His main interest as far as technology is concerned is, "why doesn't the fish finder reveal the size or type of fish under the boat?" How does that thing work?

Thursday, June 21, 2007

#9 MERLIN and a Few Library Logs

I logged in and signed up on MERLIN. I reviewed some of the library logs I have looked at in the past and found some new interesting ones. I explored a few of the newsfeeds but would like to spend time reading a larger range of feeds--they're endless! The week is flying by. It's the first day of summer. The bass are biting!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Week 4 #8 RSS Feeds--Ain't all that simple!

Uploading and downloading--I've loaded plenty of information on this blog, but it is almost impossible to do on a dial up connection. I have registered with Blogline and have a newsreader account. What a relief that it only required my e-mail and not too many other qualifying passwords or account names. I'm having a little trouble remembering all of my names I've had to create for Flickr and Google and Photobucket. Oh well who said technology was simple? RSS feeds are "Really Simple Syndication". I haven't been able to listen to all the links yet, but I have added links to Google and other "23 Participants" onto my blog. Check them out! You gotta love the simple life!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Week 3 #7 Anything Technology

How amazing is the new Apple I Phone! It's supposed to be internet, i-pod and cell phone capable. Wow, sounds like I would need lessons from IT or one of my teenagers.
I'm not sure this can be considered technology but I am so excited. I found a way to produce flannel board pieces on the printer. I was able to print graphics I downloaded onto felt after I stabilized it by ironing freezer paper onto the back of the felt. Now I have Cookie Monster himself gazing at me on a piece of felt. I think it has great possibilities to produce professional quality results for storytimes.
This morning I heard that three Russian computers have crashed on the International Space Station. They're trying to fix the solar power unit or else they'll have to rely on shuttle fuel that they can apparently not afford to use. Will they have to abandon the Space Station because of three computer crashes? It sounds about as reliable as our SAM! I was instructed to add comments to the blogs of other participants. I have enjoyed reading the other CCPL blogs.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Week 3 #5-6 Explore Flickr

I "played" as directed. This is one of the popular images most recently downloaded. I had a great time adding bubble cartoon captions to a green eggs and ham photo and created my own Camp Beard magazine cover. Great fun, until I tried to add either item to my blog. I couldn't and that's when the frustration began! I'll need to work on that when I have more time.

Monday, June 11, 2007

On the Road Again!

The summer reading club is in full swing! This roadster has Hook, Line and Seeker by J. Arnowsky in his backseat. Check out that vintage reading club t-shirt. Do you remember what year "Readers Rule" was? Please comment if you do!

Friday, June 8, 2007

#4 Register your blog

Oops, again. I'm clearly having problems with order. Peggy helped me register my blog last night when we were reviewing other participant's blogs! They're looking great. Nancy, I love your bird's nests and eggs. Bertie, I've been watching those bluebirds in an old birdhouse in my backyard. I haven't had bluebirds nest for years and they didn't pick the birdhouse model they were supposed to like.

#3 Set up your blog

I think I've passed this one! I created my blog for the new employee game board. However this post gives me a chance to share a picture I took in my garden early one morning this week.

Week 1 #1-2 Habits can be good things!

I have completed Week One of 23 Things. I've signed my contract, on paper mind you, and I'm gathering tools for my toolbox. Right now I'm finding my travel drive to be an indispensable tool. The habit I find the easiest is "Being a lifelong learner." I have so many interests and have learned so much while completing assignments for CCPL.
There are still many things I need to learn! Somehow my 12 year old niece is able to program my cell phone and send a text message without a second thought. She already knew about the cartoon software on my digital camera and has her Ipod loaded with tunes. I better get up to speed. The most difficult thing is "Using technology to my advantage."
This whopper of a fish was caught with a simple rod. No satellite was required.
Did you hear Google Earth has added a street level view? Last night I saw a commercial for a Verizon/Apple touch screen phone that is Internet capable. I don't think I'll be sitting on the pier and see myself on Google Earth this year, but maybe shortly.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

High Tech vs. Red Neck

Even with a new digital camera in hand this farmer's daughter still finds the wheel barrow to be my favorite tool. I am delighted to learn about the use of new technology and will be a life long learner. I may choose to travel the back roads to get there. I admire all of you who enjoy taking the fingertips to the keyboard but for me this will be one more design challenge.

Monday, June 4, 2007
This video was offered on the CCPL Orientation gameboard. I thought you might be interested and I'm practicing adding youtube to my blog. Watch out for patrons looking over your shoulder, there is a bare breasted woman--how edgy!

Suggested YA and Children's Books

Please use caution when suggesting a YA book from this list.